Sunday, July 15, 2012


 Victoria's Secret dress/ Chico's Outlet top/ Kensie girl sandals

Have you guys heard of the #StyleMeJuly Instagram challenge?  It's a fun way of forcing yourself to experiment with your closet.  Every day has a different theme so you don't have to wake up and spend 20 minutes trying to answer the question "What should I wear today?" 
....surely, it's not just me? 
The Style Me Challenge was created by Hilary Rushford of
If you would like to join, find the challenge of the day, take a photo of your outfit and hashtag it #StyleMeJuly.

 Today was {Day 15: Inspired by a friend}.
After you read someone's blog for so long, you start to feel like you're actually friends (or maybe I'm just speaking for myself)... so I picked Kendi from  My outfit was inspired by her "Weekend Wear" post.  Not only is she stylish, but kind of hilarious.

 Photo Credit: Austin

Initial necklace from Carriage House on Biltmore Estate/ J.Crew Outlet belt

See other ways I've styled my beloved denim shirt:

1 comment:

  1. Cute outfit! I just nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Check out my blog for more info!
    A Little Piece of Fashion and Beauty
